I’m still working on finishing up Applied Social Network Analysis in Python, the last in a five course specialization in Applied Data Science with Python through the University of Michigan via Coursera. I also started a 30 Days of Code Challenge on Hackerrank. I’m currently doing the challenge in Python, but my plan is to circle back and do the same challenge in C#.
Which brings me to the psychology of not wanting to break a streak. Last month, I ran across Austin Kleon’s take on a 30 Day Challenge. I love Austin’s stuff and I especially liked the funky printable PDF, so I taped it to my whiteboard and applied it to exercising every day. The first challenge was successful, so this month, I decided to do two. One for exercising and for the 30 days of code challenge. It’s surprising to me how once I have a streak going and a bunch of “big fat Xs” in boxes, I’m really motivated to keep going. The longer the streak, the more painful it would be to break it. It’s also deeply satisfying to put a big fat X in the box each day.
The same holds true for learning a language. I’m surprised at how effective the free app Duolingo is and how much it motivates me to keep my streak going (as of this writing my streak is 175 days). My focus has been on Swedish in preparation for my upcoming trip, but I recently started working on Norwegian, too. The mobile app now allows you to join clubs and get some friendly competition and support going among users. Overall, I am highly impressed with this app.
The year is off to a good start for me and I hope it is for you, too!
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